Sunday, December 07, 2014


As mentioned in my previous post I am now attending NUA: Norwich University of the Arts studying a BA Degree in Fine Art (much the opposite to beauty and fashion). I have just finished my first term and though I would reflect on how it went. There is one thing I want to point out first though:

An art degree is not a doss. There is a lot of work behind it and a lot of the time coming up with new theories and idea's can be a bit too much on the brain. We don't just produce art, we produce essays, research files, sketchbooks, and reflective journals as-well. Now that's over with...

There were many points in this term where I thought: What the hell am I doing with my life? (mainly when our task was to draw weeds).

Nothing is as good as my mum's home cooking (mainly her mini lasagne's she brings down when she visits).

Its okay to not be homesick. Yes I miss my parents especially my mum (who I used to live with) but why let that stop or distract you from enjoying your time at university?

It is also okay not to go out every night or every week, not everyone can be a party animal, myself included (much prefer a pizza while watching Lord of the Rings)

Here's a couple of pictures taken around my university building, it's so pretty!
Hope you enjoy.

Friday, November 07, 2014

Moving On Up

As you may have noticed I haven't been posting much lately (as per usual) this is because I have made the big move to University!
I have been at university for nearly 2 months now and I have to say its got its up and downs; mainly up's. I will be doing quite a few university themed posts from now on so I felt I needed to warn you before I start posting a "Beans on Toast Recipe" post.
If you recognised the location below, top hat off to you. However If you didn't realise already my university is in the centre of Norwich - a town Ive always loved and admired. I've got some Norwich based posts coming up as well; from the best places to go for a drink, to getting your money's worth with student discount. But until I've finished these posts here's a few sneak peeks at what's to come:

Hope your as excited as I am! See you soon for the next "Norwich Instalment".

Anna xoxo
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