Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award!

I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Hey Gurl. As of late i've been stuck with a bit of writers block so this is a welcomed break!

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger who presented you with the award and link back to their blog
3. Write 11 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 500 followers.
5. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

1. I am adopted.

2. I am a Ravenclaw on Pottermore (House Pride!)

3. I am about to study Fine Art at Norwich University of the Arts.

4.I have an eclectic music taste which means I like every type of music (apart from screamo...that scares me) but my favourite type of music is film soundtracks, musicals and classical.

5. I am deadly afraid of wasps and spiders, they just seem to have a personal grudge on me and seek me out.

6. I am an anime obsessor. From Sword Art Online to Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, I have watched them all about 60 times over.

7. I am constantly attached to my Macbook and Samsung Galaxy S4, and I check social media about 20 times in about 5 minutes.

8. My favourite feel good film is Legally Blonde. 

9. I have an unhealthy obsession with cats and scream whenever I see one (that includes in the middle of the street or in people's houses).

10.For Primary School and High School I went to an all-girls private school.

11.In about 2 weeks I am going to be celebrating Ben and I's first year anniversary and his 19th birthday (He's my first boyfriend too!)

Frae's Questions
1.What inspires you to blog?
I would say other bloggers? Sounds quite odd but it will make sense in a moment. Before I started blogging I wasnt really enjoying life, I didn't really have any interests and I found myself rather bored everyday. Then I came across bloggers/youtubers such as Sprinkle of Glitter and Zoella; I really admired them and how they really took on life and it inspired me to start blogging. Nowadays I would still say other bloggers inspire me, including the ones I mentioned above but for different reasons. I see peoples dedication towards their blog and it motivates me to become the best blogger I can be.

2.How important is “original content” to you?
As an artist i'm well versed in answering this question as at college (and soon university) I had to keep coming up with creative and new ideas everyday. Personally I think coming up with something new is near impossible however "putting your own stamp" on something or making your content individual is not. No-one wants to hear something generic; they want to hear your view in particular. This is probably the difference between a blogger that succeeds and a blogger who fails.

3.Do you write regular features to keep yourself motivated?
 this is probably my most annoying trait; that im not consistent in anything I do. However I do feel when I write more posts in a rown on-time I feel more motivated, so maybe organising regular features might be a life saver for my blog stats!

4.What would be your last meal?
Pasta. Im obsessed with the food and have it for lunch and dinner almost every day (if i can get away with it). Also I make a mean tomato sauce...just saying.

5.What’s your most prized possession?
Instead of having a teddy bear to get to sleep with as a child, I had a cushion. I still need it to go to sleep and when I feel stressed or upset; I dont think I could honestly live without it, so I would save my cushion (p.s. there is nothing wrong with sleeping with a special item whether it may be a teddybear or a cushion, even when your nearly 20. Ignore the haters.)

6.What was the last book you couldn’t finish and why?
I am still reading Mockingjay even though Ben (my boyfriend) bought it for me at Christmas...oops! I find it quite hard to get into books and then once I put them down I dont really bother reading them back again as Ive left it too long to get back into the middle of the story. Maybe if there was a blogger bible?

7.Worst pet peeve?
I absolutely hate silence. I find it the most awkward thing in the world, even a few seconds of it makes me want to bash my head into a wall. Most conversations I end up looking like a chatterbox just because I want to fill that silent space up!

8.Where do you see yourself in a year?
Hopefully on a Holiday, maybe Italy? I want to be enjoying university and to have finished my first year with a first (I should be so lucky).

9.Where do you see yourself in five?
I find looking forward a hard thing to do as I like to live in the moment, but i'll give it a go! I'd either like to be primary school teacher, have a job in Fashion/Beauty Pr or be an Artist...bit of a variety there. I'd also like to be moved in with my boyfriend and have our first house or apartment by then...fingers crossed!

10.What do you want most right now?
Right now what I want most is to stay in my bed at my Mum's house forever as tomorrow I am moving to my university apartment and I can't sleep because I am so nervous and stressed..isn't student life meant to be carefree and fun?

11.Favourite baby names?
My favourite baby names at the moment are Charlie, Summer, Alfie and Belle. Although I overall I prefer Charlie Andrew and Summer Maisie.

I Nominate...
Adel from PalettePale
Alex from AlexEmilyBlog
Jo from IncorrectCoffee
Pippi from PippiBee
Harri from Happinesshitherlikeatrain

1. Whats your best piece of blogging advice?
2. Who inspires you?
3.Whats your favourite feel good film?
4.What are your 5 essential beauty products of the moment?
5. Whats your favourite memory?
6.Spring/Summer or Autumn/Winter?
7. Do you have any pets?
8.What did you want to be when you were younger and has that changed?
9. Why did you get into blogging?
10.If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
11.What is your biggest accomplishment so far?

So thats it! I hope you enjoyed this post I certainly did and I look forward to seeing everyones answers!

Anna xox

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Clueless Inspired || Back to School

Summer is ending and school is starting again - a horrible thought to most. I finished compulsory education in 2011 and in less than a month I'll be starting Freshers at university, so I shall be doing all the typical uni posts very soon (look forward to room tours, tips and wish-lists). Whilst i've been waiting i've really been getting into good old style related girly movies like Legally Blonde and Clueless. So when looking for inspiration on Back to School style, I thought what could be better than these classics (whilst keeping on top of current trends as-well)! 
My first "Style Inspiration" is Cher from the movie Clueless, who's iconic look is a yellow plaid ensemble (see here).Back to School - Clueless Inspired

Hope you enjoyed this type of post; please tell me if you do.

Which of you are going back to School? and what are most excited about or dreading?
Tell me below in the comments!

Anna xox
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