Monday, June 24, 2013

Becoming a Sloth?

This week has been a bit of a drag due to all my friends still sitting their exams and me, sitting home acting all lonely for 3 weeks (I finished early...schweet!). Thanks to all this new free time I can abuse my TV remote by watching day time TV an pretending to be Jeremy Kyle all day! I have started to watch all the programmes I have missed during the exam period; which pretty just means Broadchurch. I don't know how I got hooked....whether it's my obsession with David Tennant come back to haunt me or whether it may be that Olivia Colman is featuring aswell, (Either way, Tennant and Colman are a part of my all-time favourite people list) I AM HOOKED. All this week i've been watching it back to back whilst devouring every microwave popcorn packet in my house.
However this Friday I finally escaped and set off to a party, my college performance studies friend (Thats a mouthful) Lucy's 18th! Her actual birthday is on 28th July so... HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY LUCY! Normally I don't venture out past my driveway and try to avoid public spaces like the plague, but i'm really glad I didn't this weekend. I made awesome and beautiful new friends that night (And in my drunken state declared them my new best friends) and I hope to seem them again soon! :)

What have you guys been up to this week? Slaving (procrastinating) over revision and exams? or maybe training to become an official sloth on your living room sofa? Let me know down below!

AnnieMAC x
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