Sunday, July 06, 2014

My Instagram diary #1

Instagram Username: @Anniemacblog

*A surprise gift from Hobbs * Main Stage at IMATS * I passed my exams and got a Merit * A sunny town selfie * My Top 10 Summer Staples * A preview of the Hobbs A/W Collection * First one to arrive at Hobbs HQ * Seeing ducklings on a walk home from college * Home-made kebab day * My boyfriend enjoying a meal at Sloppy Joes * Selfie after a long day decorating college studios * Topshop changing rooms * Babysitting my cousin in the local park * Decorating my bedroom wall with old memories * Last full day of Art Foundation with my besties * Trying to get a tan (failing) *

Considering I'm obsessed with Instagram I was surprised to realise I had never done an Instagram Diary! I love to see what everyone has been up to and following all my favourite brands. Here is a small collection of my Instagram images from the last couple of weeks. If you enjoy this kind of post then do let me know and I'll keep doing them!

Feel free to check out and maybe follow me on instagram to see all my photo updates!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A Trip to the Zoo

Hi guys! This last Monday my boyfriend and I decided to take a trip to down memory lane and head over to Colchester Zoo for the day. We got to the zoo super early to make sure we didnt miss any of the animals and to beat the queue's , however when we got there it was pratically deserted (thankyou winter weather!)

This is us (forgive my lack of makup and dazed look, it was too early in the morning for me!) in the underwater Sea Lion enclosure. Luck was on our side and we had glorius sun all day (even if it was windy aswell). We stayed until about 2.30pm So spent most of the day strolling round the park.

Colchester Zoo recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and is well known for being one of the biggest and best zoo's in the UK. Both me and my boyfriend Ben agreed that a day around the zoo beats lagging around town anyday!

For 4 hours we felt like small children again, bouncing round the park and enjoying the mini-train ride. There was so many different species of animal to see, my favorite (despite myself being a cat lady in training) being the Red Panda, and Ben's being the Monkey's and Fish, specifically the beautiful Orangutang. Unfortunately we kept missing the talk's and feed's by minutes but normally they are a mjust for me as they are so fun to take part in!

I couldn't leave out a picture of the cute small Squirrel Monkey's we found! Myself and Ben fell in love with these gorgeous creatures due to their playfulness and their ability to entertain for hours on end!

So that pretty much sums up our day at Colchester Zoo, Just to let people know, I prepared a picnic for the zoo as I think it was a bit more appropriate, and as I'm a student, money doesnt come easy!

I hope you guy's enjoyed this type of post, as it was fun for me to write!
Click on "Colchester Zoo" to head over to their to their site.

When was the last time you visited the Zoo?
Let me know in the comments or on Twitter!

Thursday, August 01, 2013

"Exploring Canada" continued

For the last post in my "Exploring Canada" Series I head off to Ottawa to visit my relatives. Since 2011 I've only been on a couple of city holiday's (i.e. sightseeing) with my mum, and this year after finishing my A2 exams it was really refreshing to go on holiday to just relax by the pool with an ice cream.

We took many (too many for my tummy) trips down to the quaint town of "Merrickville" for original ice cream, including a watermelon flavor and an orange/black licorice flavor (yuck!), we also had a couple of boxes of "Poutine". Now for those of you who have no idea what i'm on about "Poutine" is a traditional Canadian specialty, made up of chips smothered in gravy and cheese curds. Sounds disgusting right? It has to be one of my top must-try food's if your heading to Canada on a holiday! It tastes delicious and is highly addictive.

For a fun activity we decided to go out white water rafting for the day, perfect for a hot summers day! We went with OWL rafting who provided us with excellent (not to mention gorgeous looking) guides for the day, and we set off on a yellow school bus (I have an unhealthy obsession with these vehicles). During the day we paddled our way through several rapids and even surfed against a few! Due to being in a sports raft (6 people) instead of a 12 man raft we were bound to find ourselves in the rapids a little...big understatement.

This is my favourite shot from the holiday, it's my younger cousin "Drew" and myself at his 16th Birthday party. To conclude this post I had a lovely time in Canada and I can't wait to go back next year! It was a wonderful way to socialise with my much missed cousins and the trip really motivated me to get off my sofa and do something with my life, so here is a little bit of motivation for you:

Hope that gives you guys some happiness for the week, do tell me if you would like to see more travel posts or motivational posts in the comments below or tweet me at:

Also I have joined bloglovin! So remember to follow my blog on there and my "Exploring Canada" video should on Youtube by monday :)

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