Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Exploring Canada" Day 1 & 2

I have just arrived back from my 12 day trip to Canada visiting relatives and tourist sights. I have been to Ottawa in Canada a total of four times now to visit relatives and I can't get enough of it!

We started off in Toronto, the big famous city of Canada, (despite Ottawa being the capital) and straight after we arrived we jumped right in by taking a stroll on its sidewalk's. For newbie travelers out there, NEVER let a man lead you in a foreign city. My dad felt very confident repeating "I know exactly where i'm going! I don't need a map!", but I got an extra map just in case dad's new-found confidence faltered and got us lost. It's safe to state I should never trust him with directions  ever again; as he successfully managed to get us lost in the gay district of Toronto, to say spotting black spandex mankini's in a shop window was mentally scarring is an understatement.

For our second day in Canada we took a trip to the beautiful Niagara Falls with the tour company "City Sightseeing"! I don't think words can do this magnificent and overwhelming place enough justice, as expected both Me and Dad got soaked even with "raincoats" (i.e. plastic bags) on. We also went on the famous "Maid of the Mist" boat ride which takes you right up/under the falls (an unmissable experience and highly recommended for great views and fun!). The tour also let us explore the surrounding town and an "Ice Wine" tasting session, the 'wine' was had a sweetness level of over 20/30!

For day 3 of 'Exploring Canada' featuring the "Edgewalk Challenge" click here
I hope you feel inspired to write about your summer travelling whether it may be abroad or just down to the beach with friends!

Tell me what you guys have been up to by sending me a tweet:

1 comment

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